What happens to all the time we used to seem to have?This year has flown by so fast it's scary and I realized I haven't posted anything here for forever.Well here's a lousy picture of a necklace/earring project I finished some time back for a client in Massachusetts,the center stone still needs to be procured rough and then cut,it is going to be a light pink the same as the others but in a rounded pear design,the darker stone in the picture on the top left was replaced with a lighter one and the darker looking one in the front row of necklace stones is not as dark as it looks.There is unfortunately not much if this gorgeous light pink Nigerian material left out there,this was one of the few finds that does not change color or mask up at all in artificial light ,the mine has long since stopped producing!
I have some nice material to cut now that the project work is done for a while,some more mint tourmaline rough,some aquamarine and a stunningly beautifully colored Merelani mint garnet that should cut out in the 3ct range and clean.